Why Is Zoom Teeth Whitening the Best?

Why Is Zoom Teeth Whitening the Best?

Why Is Zoom Teeth Whitening the Best?

Why Is Zoom Teeth Whitening the Best?

Zoom teeth whitening is among the best ways to brighten your smile. It is an ideal option when you do not get results from strips and bleaching toothpaste. Zoom teeth whitening is a fast-acting solution. The results from the procedure are evident within approximately one hour. Here are the reasons you should opt for this procedure.



Many do not see why they should opt for professional treatment when they have over-the-counter options. But Zoom whitening has proven to be more effective than other solutions.

Moreover, some of the treatments have ingredients that are detrimental to the enamel. The degradation happens over time and increases the sensitivity of your teeth. Over-the-counter products have a low percentage of whitening agents, making their results less evident. Zoom teeth whitening can brighten your smile after only one treatment.

Do-it-yourself (DIY) Procedure


When you visit your dentist for Zoom teeth whitening, they will offer you supplies. These help you perform the procedure yourself in the comfort of your home. The results will depend on the severity of your condition.

They will also hinge on how much time you are willing to spend working on your teeth. The dentist guides you through the options to ensure you get what you want. Employing Zoom teeth whitening at home allows you to do it at your convenience. 



Teeth whitening using Zoom does not require any expertise. As its name suggests, the procedure is fast and has impressive results. The dentist will present the various whitening options during your initial dental appointment. They will also determine whether your condition requires professional help. If it does, they will customize a treatment plan that is right for you.

For elemental teeth whitening, the dentist applies a whitening varnish on your enamel. Afterward, they will paint a quick-drying sealant atop the layer. You will only be able to wipe or brush the solution away after 30 minutes. It will reveal a brighter smile. Severe tooth discoloration requires a more thorough approach. The treatment sessions will be longer and require more specialized equipment.

Ideal for Sensitive Teeth


Having sensitive teeth does not prevent you from receiving Zoom teeth whitening. Dentists use specially-formulated whitening gels and varnishes that will not irritate your gums or teeth. However, some people still experience brief flashes of pain during the procedure. 

You may try to brave this meager discomfort for the sake of the results that you desire. You do not need to do it for long. After the procedure, the dentist will administer some medication to offer relief from pain. Over-the-counter paracetamol can also combat any future discomfort.

Aesthetic Value


Few people mind an improvement in their physical appearance. Your self-esteem and confidence may also benefit from a brighter smile. Whitening your teeth goes further than improving your physical and psychological well-being. It can also promote your social, romantic, and professional aspects.

Zoom teeth whitening is your solution if you suffer from low levels of these attributes due to teeth discoloration. After undergoing this procedure, maintain it by changing or modifying your habits. Avoid foods and other substances that promote tooth discoloration.

For more information on Zoom teeth whitening, call MAC Family Dentistry in Mandeville. Call (985) 238-3797 to book an appointment today.

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